Getting started on social: dos and don’ts

Social media is a very popular communications tool (yes, it’s a tool - not a strategy) for small businesses who are looking to build their brand presence and increase sales. 

It’s not surprising. Research shows more than 50 per cent of revenue across major industries is generated by social sales. Why wouldn’t you want to get in on that? 

If you don’t have a business social account or have just started, we’ve put together our top dos and don’ts to keep in mind for getting started on social. 

Do pick the right platforms

From TikTok to Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and everything in between, there are hundreds of social platforms available to you and likely the majority of them you’ve never heard of. Choosing platforms isn’t about the ones you know and are hanging out on — where is your audience? Take some time to learn more about where your audience spends their time and then activate those relevant platforms. 

Don’t try to be all things to all people

Part of the appeal of social media is the network; a digital community where like minded individuals gather, chat and connect over shared interests and views. If you lose focus and try to spread your message thin and wide to cover more areas, it loses its impact and you will have a more difficult time connecting with your tribe. 

Do stay on brand

Social media is an extension of your brand. It’s often where people go after hearing about your company from a friend, family member or coworker — a virtual reference check. Your social presence should corroborate what people have heard about you. Were you described as dark and moody and your social presence is bright and fresh? From the captions to the design, make sure it all aligns back to your core brand. 

Don’t be a copycat

Okay we know it’s hard. You see something a competitor is doing and you decide to emulate — err, copy it. There are lots of companies sharing similar information on social platforms and that’s fine. It’s the nature of the beast. Same reason there are multiple brands who sell shoes. It’s time to set yourself apart. What makes you unique? What’s your tone? What’s your special feature as a brand? By working through that exercise and some creative brainstorm sessions, you can come up with really fun content ideas that share your story in an authentic, unique way.

Do embrace your community

Social media isn’t designed to be a one-way communications tool. It’s a conversation platform, designed for engagement. We want people to connect with our brand and our story, to answer our polls and send us DMs. That’s the entire point. So ask questions and engage your team. Bring them on as you develop new ideas and help them build and support your company journey.

Don’t forget about all the other tools!

Social media is ONE of a multitude of communication tools at your fingertips. From referral programs to newsletters, website content and more…the best thing you can do is start by figuring out your goals and then look at how to achieve those goals by using the right channels. Spoiler alert: we have worked with clients who don’t do anything on social media because it’s not the right tool for them.


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