How great photos can improve your brand

They say not to read a book by its cover, but almost everybody does, and a good cover can often make or break its introduction to the world.

Why? Because it creates the first impression.

The same can be said of the photos you choose to represent your brand.

Imagery is one of the most important aspects of marketing. A successful social or blog post is often one paired with an image that not only captures the essence of its content, but takes ownership of it.

So while investing in branding photography might seem like an unnecessary expense, especially with the plethora of readily available stock imagery at your fingertips, it’s important to remember that free stock imagery can only go so far. 

Instead of spending hours of your own billable time searching for the right stock image du jour, imagine being able to pull from a private, perfectly curated collection of professional stock images that are authentically tied to your brand.

Presenting fresh content that aligns with the seasons will help elevate your customer’s experience.

And you can do this in just an hour or two, with the right professional.

All you need to do is come up with a solid content management strategy roadmap, and then align your copy with beautiful, captivating imagery that will contribute to that plan.

The kind of expertise you get when working with a solid industry professional can help take you to a whole other level!

Here are 5 perks of consistent branding photography:

Quality: As opposed to a parade of super staged stock imagery that doesn’t really connect to your brand’s identity, pairing your company’s unique perspective with a talented visual artist’s lens can help optimize your customer experience and elevate your brand’s reach to a whole other level.

Freshness: Something as simple as 10 fresh images a month that align with your company’s personality (and seasons!) will elevate your brand experience, capturing new and dedicated leads, especially over blog and social posts.

Storytelling: Capturing the essence of your brand through storytelling with the right photo enhances the words on the page. If you can capture the essence of your brand by centering your customer as the main character in your narrative, you’ve got the recipe for a brilliant launch trajectory that will convert from leads to sales almost instantly.

Time: A branding shoot doesn’t need to be a five hour ordeal. Map out your content strategy, develop a photo list, execute the shoot and you can have everything done in a few hours a month.

Authenticity: From product shots, to lifestyle photography, special events, and behind the scenes, let your audience get to know you better by putting your own distinct identity on display by connecting to them with your own branding photography.

Once you have begun to create the amazing library of images perfectly curated and designed by you, for your brand, you’ll quickly see just how easy it is to elevate your marketing plan, bringing your target audience back for more of the story that drew them in every time you add to it.

To add photography to a new or existing MLC package, reach out and learn more!


MLC promotes mental health campaign for Punjabi Community Health Services


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